All posts in watercolor

Work in progress, why I failed Comic a Day, and other things

So. I failed comic a day… but it’s not like I was just lying around, I have been working my butt off on a wide variety of things. Because I am a crazy person.

One of these things is this portrait project I’m doing… I only just started but I think I like it so far. *shurg*

I also drew up this lovely poster for Ladies Night at Graham Cracker Comics in Chicago. Which is a buttload of fun if you are both a lady and a comics enthusiast.

In conclusion, be excellent to each other!

this update is SUPER

A surprisingly large update! Now with more Superheroes!

I like drawing Wonder Woman looking cute… cute can be strong too!

Also, I dyed my hair pink, so I needed to make a more accurate self portrait:

and I’ve been thinking about post apocalypse survival a lot.

let’s end with whatever this is:

Yay for Watercolored Wednesday Posts!

First, some terribad self portrait work:

and then there’s this:

the end 😀

Sketches and stuff


this is one of the Characters that appears in a very strange and epic Vampire Zombie dream I had.

These are some adorable monsters… because… Monsters!

and this is Evangelise, or rather a redraw of Evangelise, my Alien who pretends she’s from France (like the coneheads)


I’ve been very busy with Dear Raccoon lately, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been drawing:
Oh look, some girl.

A friendly monster
A girl who has a sense of style that is OUT OF THIS WORLD
(Also, the fantastic background comes from here)