All posts in art

What time is it?

Clock concept, because I’m amazing like that:

But seriously, concept sketches on thursday.

Snow White

more of that Snow White business


And now…. something you wouldn’t expect to see on a sketch blog…
I did this diabetes inducing collage for my Digital Illustration class:

mmmmmmmmm sugar….

I really have no clue what photography has to do with digital illustration… but at least I got candy out of the deal.


For some reason.. when I upload this image it… well not exactly inverts the colors… but does a major hue shift:

I wonder if it’s because the color was originally in cmyk? is that a possibility?

I mean it looks cool like this… but  it’s not really ideal
anyhow, this is the imagery for my promotional post cards that I’m giving out at the Art Sale
where I will be selling pirnts of Swamp Beast, Wolfman, Greek Tragedy, and assuming they turned out ok, posters of my Monster Alphabet (and also the originals will be for sale)
plus I’ll have some comics for sale… and maybe, just maybe some smallish paintings.
but yes, again here is the art sale info:
SAIC’s 9th Annual Spring Art Sale
MacLean Center Ballroom, 112 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL
Friday April 17th: 11am to 7pm
Saturday April 18th: 10am to 5pm
admission is free to the public, and there’s something for everyone
(unless everyone hates art… then they can stay home)
In the mean time I’ll attempt to correct this colorshift issue

Inside the Artist’s Studio

I don’t have a studio…
In fact I don’t even have a desk anymore (not that there’s anywhere to put one). So I work at my kitchen counter: 

The food remains seen there are from some garlic cauliflower, if you were wondering.

Anyways, here’s a look at what I’m actually working on:

It’s a Monster Alphabet! 
My plan, once I’m finished, is to arrange all these guys into formation for a poster that I plan to sell at the Art Sale in April.  I will also be selling the originals… but for significantly more money.