All posts in me

Yay for Watercolored Wednesday Posts!

First, some terribad self portrait work:

and then there’s this:

the end 😀

Hey Ya’ll!!

Long time no post, I swear I’m working on it, but at least I can give you this “What I Wore Today” that I drew earlier this week (Monday I think?)

My yearly oops…

First, have this pretty (well, my Mom says it’s pretty) picture of what I wore:

Nextly, OOPS.

Sorry I failed you. I didn’t finish comic a day October… but I did give it some semi-good-but-mostly-okay effort.

I’ve been kind of focused on other things, but the good news is that come New Years I’ll be all reinvigorated and I’ll probably try to post here weekly again. Fingers crossed.

Also, my last “what I wore” drawing made it onto the “What I Wore Today” blog.
Which you should check out. Unless your name is Amy, because then you were probably the one who informed me I made it on the blog.

Why no update?

Sorry for the lack of update, the art is made I just need to scan it and as I was one of those crazy women who stayed up all night to watch a wedding between two people I don’t know, in a country I don’t live in, I am horribly sleep deprived.

so, sorry… I’ll get back on track soon I hope!

Back from outerspace…

It’s been a hard move but I’m back in Chicago…
I don’t have much to show you… but let’s start with this background pattern:

And then we have this doodle of me now vs me in high school: