All posts in comic

Sasquatch Surprise

Annnnnnd, he’s back:

more to come friday m’loves, keep your eye out


I’ve started re-sketching Chapter 1 of Here,After:

Don’t get over excited though, I do this a lot.. I need to find a way to motivate myself to actually continue on… it’s like I can plan forever, but actually getting a finished result is like pulling teeth.
I guess I’m just a planner? I should become a travel agent… they do a lot of planning…
anyways, here are a couple sketches that were alongside these panels (I have a huge sketchbook)

ps. a week from today I move to Colorado! Holy Everything!

Dunna nunna nunna nunna Batmaaaaan

short comic for you…

The Return of the Return of the Sasquatch

man… it’s been forever guy, how are you?

Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th, try not to get killed by any weirdos!
let’s pretend these are comics….