All posts in sketchbook


bet you thought I wouldn’t post today… huh?

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

I’ve been thinking about intestines recently:

Oh, and vampire babies:
the skill block continues… 🙁

Friday Sketches

Why hello there kids
here are some sketches .. in order from “most annoyed with” to “kinda okay”

an awful resketch of some characters I found in my very first sketchbook:

some dudes:


I think maybe I need to get back to watercolor to rid myself of such a funk
also I miss figure drawing

The Escapee

I wrote a short story about this guy which can be found here.
see ya’ll on friday!

Flowers, everywhere.

Considering turning this into a legit watercolor painting….obviously there would be more flowers… yeah.

creativity wise my brain is chock full of ideas but right now my hand doesn’t seem to be cooperating, this is entirely frustrating and I really don’t know what to do about it.
