My Childhood Hero

I loved loved loved Mario as a kid, so I decided to do this quick little illustration of one of the characters I so admired.


minestronesketch minestroneW
I’m hoping to do a series of prints based on Italian foods, mostly because I would like to hang stuff like this in my own kitchen. This one is based on Minestrone Soup. (it’s missing a few ingredients, but I wanted the focus to really be veggies)


I did a test run on some Canson Infinity paper and the print quality is AMAZING! It looks just like it’s a real watercolor, I couldn’t be more thrilled!

The Little Mermaid


New wordpress theme…

So, this post is entirely devoid of doodles, but I just spent the entire morning trying to set up a new wordpress theme.

There are a few wonky things still, but overall I’m pretty happy.


Ladies Night Anthology: Signal Clearance Preview

It’s been a long March/April but I’m finally able to take some time and really show off some of the work I did for the ladies night anthology.

The story I worked on was called “Signal Clearance” and, as I’ve mentioned before, it was written by Summer, who is super cool, and it was edited by Caitlin, who rewarded me with gifs when I was good and punished me with awful font choice when I was bad.

Anyways, look at these backgrounds: