All posts in me


Yes kids, it’s that time of year, again!
What’s that? you forgot about last year? This should remind you.

Comic A Day October rules:
– each comic must be at least 3 panels
– comics must be posted by 11:59pm Chicago time
– no stick figures! (unless I’m drawing someone drawing something as stick-figures)
– comics may be sketchy, as long as it isn’t stick figures.
– stories may be carried on from one day to the next or not.
– content is whatever I choose, whether it be a comic diary, or a legit story.

Now here’s some incentive for you to help keep me on track…
if I miss a day, you beautiful people get to tell me what/who my next comic is going to be about*
plus, every day I miss means I need to add 3 extra panels on top of the minimum 3 for each day

so if I miss 1 day, that means my next comic is at least 6 panels
I miss 2, 9 panels.. etc etc

*failing that, I will use a random word generator


Sience, Captain, and the Streets

I was so excited about the Curiosity landing that I wore the super appropriate Mademoiselle Galaxy shirt from threadless (design by the fantastic Matt Dupuis)

I considered pairing it with a pair of heels I own that are covered in stars, but that would have been too Ms. Frizzle (plus I can only find one)

My dearest friend Harvey wrote me a very long message yesterday.. I don’t remember much, but it said “blah blah blah Captain America + dating” so I drew this slightly embarrassed picture of the good Cap. where you can pretend you asked him out on a date and he’s all flustered:

Finally, I don’t draw buildings, like ever… this street scene is the reason why:

this update is SUPER

A surprisingly large update! Now with more Superheroes!

I like drawing Wonder Woman looking cute… cute can be strong too!

Also, I dyed my hair pink, so I needed to make a more accurate self portrait:

and I’ve been thinking about post apocalypse survival a lot.

let’s end with whatever this is:


I have no idea if I’ve posted this before…
but even if I did it’s been changed a bit so I guess we’re ok?

And a stupid picture of myself:

If someone ever writes a Biography about me I want it to be titled “Most Eloquent”.
Fo’ real.


Sorry it’s been so long between posts, but you know me! Here, have these art things: